Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ways To Promote Caring Society Among Young Students

In this modern nowadays, the young students are increasing lack of awareness the problems facing by our earth. Their life styles only consist of computer games, hanging out with friends, bad habits and a lot. I think the young students should be transfused environmental awareness and the sense to save the earth. Otherwise, our earth will be fold up by the young generation.

There are three simple ways to promote a caring society among young students. Since nowadays the young students are full with energy, treasure heart and active, we can try to promote the caring society in their ways. First, organize a trip to somewhere else, to attract the young to join, but the main purpose is to clean-up the place. By the way, this is not a cheat to the young. During the trip, we can explain the history of the following place and the benefits of maintain the environmental cleanliness. By doing the outdoor education, the young students are more willing to learn something new in their life, and then it will start being as a part of their habits.

The second way to promote a caring society among young student is organize a talk or speech to them. For my knowledge, a simple talk only will get the bad return by the students. It is because they will feel that the talk will bore although the speaker using a lot of exaggerated expression and movement. A trusted way is having a speech and adds with teaching activities. The speaker will catch the students’ minds by talk in their way. During the talk, the students have the opportunities to participate in some games that related to caring society. The young students will learn the ways how to be a human that protect and caring our society and environment in our daily life.

The last but not least, for my opinion, parents and the teachers in the school are playing an important role. When the young students are still in the stage of young, the parents should grasp the chance to educated and indoctrinated their children in a positive way. Try to let them distinguish right from wrong in their daily life. Other than that, transfused them about the disadvantages of negative activities such as, smoking, drink alcohol, vandalism, premarital sex and a lot. Parents also should be awareness on their dating range, to avoid promiscuity. As a teacher in the school also very important. They are the one who educated and guardian for the young students. Teachers have to be always looking out their attitude. If there is any bad attitude of the student, he or she must immediately report to their parents, so that they can improve or correct their child in a proper way.

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